
export interface RESTPatchAPIGuildMemberJSONBody
export interface RESTPatchAPIGuildMemberJSONBody
channel_id?:Snowflake | null | undefined
ID of channel to move user to (if they are connected to voice)
Requires MOVE_MEMBERS permission
communication_disabled_until?:string | null | undefined
Timestamp of when the time out will be removed; until then, they cannot interact with the guild
Whether the user is deafened in voice channels. Will throw a 400 if the user is not in a voice channel
Requires DEAFEN_MEMBERS permission
Whether the user is muted in voice channels. Will throw a 400 if the user is not in a voice channel
Requires MUTE_MEMBERS permission
Value to set users nickname to
Requires MANAGE_NICKNAMES permission
roles?:Snowflake[] | null | undefined
Array of role ids the member is assigned
Requires MANAGE_ROLES permission