export interface RESTPatchAPIChannelJSONBody
export interface RESTPatchAPIChannelJSONBody
applied_tags?:Snowflake[] | undefined
The ids of the set of tags that have been applied to a thread-only channel; limited to 5
Channel types: forum, media
archived?:boolean | undefined
Whether the thread should be archived
Channel types: newsThread, publicThread, privateThread
auto_archive_duration?:ThreadAutoArchiveDuration | undefined
The amount of time in minutes to wait before automatically archiving the thread
Channel types: newsThread, publicThread, privateThread
available_tags?:(Partial<APIGuildForumTag> & Pick<APIGuildForumTag, 'name'>)[] | undefined
The set of tags that can be used in a thread-only channel; limited to 20
Channel types: forum, media
bitrate?:number | null | undefined
The bitrate (in bits) of the voice channel; 8000 to 96000 (128000 for VIP servers)
Channel types: voice
default_auto_archive_duration?:ThreadAutoArchiveDuration | undefined
Default duration for newly created threads, in minutes, to automatically archive the thread after recent activity
Channel types: text, news, forum, media
default_forum_layout?:ForumLayoutType | undefined
The default layout type used to display posts in a forum channel
Channel types: forum
The emoji to show in the add reaction button on a thread in a thread-only channel
Channel types: forum, media
default_sort_order?:SortOrderType | null | undefined
The default sort order type used to order posts in a thread-only channel
Channel types: forum, media
default_thread_rate_limit_per_user?:number | null | undefined
The initial rate_limit_per_user to set on newly created threads in a channel. This field is copied to the thread at creation time and does not live update
Channel types: text, forum, media
Channel flags combined as a bit field.
invitable?:boolean | undefined
Whether non-moderators can add other non-moderators to the thread
Channel types: privateThread
locked?:boolean | undefined
Whether the thread should be locked
Channel types: newsThread, publicThread, privateThread
1-100 character channel name
Channel types: all
Whether the channel is nsfw
Channel types: text, voice, news, forum, media
parent_id?:Snowflake | null | undefined
ID of the new parent category for a channel
Channel types: text, voice, news, stage, forum, media
permission_overwrites?:RESTAPIChannelPatchOverwrite[] | null | undefined
Channel or category-specific permissions
Channel types: all excluding newsThread, publicThread, privateThread
position?:number | null | undefined
The position of the channel in the left-hand listing
Channel types: all excluding newsThread, publicThread, privateThread
rate_limit_per_user?:number | null | undefined
Amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message (0-21600); bots, as well as users with the permission MANAGE_MESSAGES or MANAGE_CHANNELS, are unaffected
Channel types: text, newsThread, publicThread, privateThread, forum, media
rtc_region?:string | null | undefined
Voice region id for the voice or stage channel, automatic when set to null
topic?:string | null | undefined
0-1024 character channel topic (0-4096 characters for thread-only channels)
Channel types: text, news, forum, media
The type of channel; only conversion between text and news is supported and only in guilds with the "NEWS" feature
Channel types: text, news
user_limit?:number | null | undefined
The user limit of the voice channel; 0 refers to no limit, 1 to 99 refers to a user limit
Channel types: voice
video_quality_mode?:VideoQualityMode | null | undefined
The camera video quality mode of the voice channel